
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blame it on the liquor...

Why do some people think that I'm an alcoholic?  Sometimes it really pisses me off.  I'm totally fine with the fact that someone is just joking around and saying it to me for fun. But when they're serious about it.. it makes me feel like they don't really know me enough, and that's how they were able to come up with a conclusion like that. Yeah, I'm a girl in college who drinks on the weekends sometimes with her friends?  People see this and point fingers --> You're an alcoholic.  That's why you do this and that! -- Um, excuse me?  Yes, I have the choice not to drink, and it'd probably be the best choice.  But I'm just one of those college students who like to drink and socialize with friends.  I'm at my prime here! lol... and after doing so much homework and activities and work and having tests.... who wouldn't need just a little drink at the end of the week?  It's not like I plan to get trashed/wasted every single weekend.  Yes, I'll admit some weekends it happens (but it's only because I had a small dinner or forgot to eat) OR some people are just out to get me! >:[   haha... When I first started college, you could probably portray me as the party girl.  Always ready to go out and about!  but going through these 3 years, when I look at myself... I can say that I've changed.  Yes, I still go out with my friends if there's a special occasion. But honestly.. I'm only human and I'm not perfect.  So people can judge me if they want to, it's fine.  Who doesn't judge other people?  But just from my prospective, I feel like I've grown in many areas of my life.  Whether it deals with my relationship, family, God, or the things that I do.  I may not be the possibly the best person right now, but.. I always say this to myself "It's never too late to change".  I know that I'll eventually get tired of going out and drinking.. which I'm already a little tired of.  But like I said, I'll still go out for casual events or special occasions.  Every girl needs some fun in her life sometimes!  And I can tell that recently, my weekends have changed.  I've been trying to do different things.

I'm not an alcoholic though, for anyone who believes that I am.  I enjoy casually drinking with friends and socializing.  Plus, I'd rather let it all out throughout these college years, rather than after college.. you know?

Anywhoo... thanks for reading :)

xoxo love, emily


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