
Monday, February 28, 2011




Thank you !!  lol, have fun reading my random blogs!!  love u!

XOXO Love, emily

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Laughter for the Day

hahaha .... Okay!  So me and Zoog are watching the Office.  And the guy is in a room talking to his co-worker.  he's like ... "I want to have a baby... will you conceive me child?  If you agree say nothing... if you disagree say something" ---- silence.  "We are agreed then, lets meet at the old spot and bang it out!"

HAHAHAHA ---- and then my mom comes walking in singing in a whispering voice "Bang it out, bang it out.." 

it was just hilarious! you had to be there to think it was really funny lol... my mom is such a dork, lol.

XOXO Love, emily

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why am I letting "Lazy" become my friend again?

One word :  L A Z Y!

I keep doing my homework after midnight!

And that is a NO BUENO!   .... I need to start studying at school because I get nothing done at home =(


XOXO Love, emily

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Only one word can describe this:   L O V E 

my little Koco  :)


I've been doing this ever since Tuesday...

I've had a test everyday this week.  I'm going to need some shut eyes before school starts again next week.

Well I'm off to do some Finite!!  2 hours in the lab =(

XOXO Love, emily

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's raining TESTS!

So I have a test everyday this week.  Isn't that just great?  lol.. I should've had a presentation today but my group got moved to Thursday :)  So that was a relief since everyone's speech seemed longer than my group.  It's for japanese.  I already took my Business Foundations.... although I got a 76% on it  =(    I'll have to do better next time.  Tomorrow is my Micro test (which I'm studying for right now), possibly finite on Friday or Thursday, and Macroeconomics on Friday.  So yes.. I'm so very excited for this week.   =(    

My Valentines Day went pretty good!  Me and Davee celebrated early and went to Olive Garden.  It was packed and we had to 40 minutes, but it was def. worth it!  Then we got some champagne and just watched movies :)  It was a relaxing one.

I just fell in love today as well.....  I'm in love with Bruno Mars and all of his work.  He is seriously one of the most talented musicians out there in the field.  If I ever get to meet him.. I'll probably be speechless and be one of those weeping fans lol.  I just really respect him and his passion.  It definitely inspires me.

Well back to studying!

XOXO Love, emily

My mom and I taking pictures in the Thai clothes that she bought :)

deuces ***  (while making a dumb face lol )  

The snow was so beautiful on the country.

My loving mom

Me in the snow and gaining weight because of the snow days!!! lol

she's so silly lol..

my handsome valentines date :)  love of 5 years!

my "Big" Ko!  It was her quarter century birthday!! 25  :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

another snowfall?

So they're saying it's suppose to snow another 4"-10" tomorrow and it might start tonight... I kind of doubt it'll happen since it's pretty sunny outside, but who knows?!  It might happen because it's freeeezing cold out there! 

Today my Davee got back from California and we had lunch together at Pho Quyen. I bought lunch for him since I never got to buy him a lunch since I got my refund check back.  He gave me a whole bag of freshly picked oranges (STRAIGHT out of California!)  :)  so that really made my day!  Thanks Mi!!

I went to S.I. for macroeconomics today, and I think our teacher is foreign or studying here.  He's got a Latino accent.  He seems nice and his accent is cute, lol.  I felt so bad for him because only 4 students came to class... and it seemed like he struggled to explain what he was talking about sometimes today.  But he made a lot of things clear for me, so that was good!  I asked questions and felt more involved, so YAY for me!

Well, I gotta print out some flyers for the event we're holding for General Vang Pao tonight. We're doing a vigil/candlelight service in memory of his honor.  I can't go because the dates changed and I always have to work at Hunan on Tuesdays.  So I hope it goes well. 

For General Vang Pao, I am so thankful for everything you have done for your Hmong people.  We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, so I appreciate your work and ethics very much.  It's sad that you're no longer here with us, but your honor and spirit will always remain.  May God bless you and Rest in Peace.

XOXO Love, emily

Sunday, February 6, 2011

XLV (45th) Super Bowl!!!



So today we pretty much (almost) had a house full of PACKER fans!  Just some Steeler fans... they were pretty down when the Steelers lost.  There was about 45 seconds left, but we already knew that the Packers were going to win.  I feel so happy for them!  They haven't won for a long time now, but they really deserved it because they played well this season.

Mr. David was upset because I was cheering for them. hahaha. He's a TRUE Vikings fan, so he doesn't really "digg" the Packers.  Today he was like.. (trying to find all the ways to diss on the Packers, haha) 

[You know that Green bay Packers have the worst name in the NFL?  I mean.. Packers?!  They're only called that because they pack cheese!  They should've been called like... the Cheeseheads or something. haha.   ---- I was like Cheeseheads sound even dumber! lol...  ]

I have some video clips that I'll put up in my video section tonight or tomorrow.  I hope everyone enjoyed the game though!  Have a goodnight :)

--------- P. S .  It's going to snow again this week, so... hopefully school is postponed for the whole week again. I'm not "that" excited about catching up real fast one what we missed this whole last week.

XOXO Love,  emily

With my two beautiful Gamma Eta Sisters : Mary and Josephine

Me and my lovely gals!

Of course! one of my best buds and me! Tou john!

Alex ... doing the Napolean dynamite!! :P

With the beautiful Dae and Mary.

Dae making those boys look good! ;)

Me with the boys! Txoua, Alex, and Jerry.

No blinking! lol -- Chee and Yer with me

______________________________________________     PACKER's TIME!!!

The biggest Packers fan ... in Arkansas! lol.

the gang watching the game.  and no, don't mistaken the guy with the packers jersey as a fan... he did it to curse them since last year he wore a jersey supporting his team and they lost lol.

Leeanna and I



Saturday, February 5, 2011

There's a world outside??

Wow!  So I finally get to leave my farm today and go out to the city.  Main reason is because I have work... but I'm really crossing my fingers about my manager closing early, so then I could go to the HSOA Benefit Ball.  I feel so sad because I can't go... until like 11 or something, but then it'd be too late then =|  Well God bless me on the roads when I'm driving, and hopefully today is a great day!  I will post pictures if I end up going to the ball.. if not.. it'll just be of the after party :P

XOXO Love,   emily

P.S.  How the heck did I get a pimple inside of my nose?!?!   UGH it's disgusting and it hurts!!  :(

*s n o w e d - i n*

So this week on Monday (1/31), it started to lightly, sprinkle rain and then it ended up snowing.  So we had like 1/2 inch of ice, and (on the farm) we had about 5" of snow.  Yeah I know, to those of live up north or on the east coast.. it sounds real little, lol.  Although the amount is very little, it can do a lot of damage.  Especially if you live on a farm like me, and drive 40 minutes to get to the city.  When I drove back to Fayetteville, I had to drive like 35 mph the whole way until I hit like Farmington.

(Side story) : Some of those semi-truck drivers are really heartless! I mean, yes I understand that sometimes you must hate your job and just want to get your things delivered.  But man! There was lots of unplowed snow on the ground, and I was going like.. 45 mph (the speed limit) on Thursday.  My windshield wipers were trying their best to remove all the nasty dirt particles off my of window, and then suddenly... "SPLAT!" this DUMB semi-truck is driving on the right lane going like 55 mph!  It splashed all the wet snow onto my window and I couldn't see anything! I mean like literally, nothing!  I had to press on my breaks, not knowing whether there was a car behind me or not because it all happened so fast. Good thing there wasn't. My wimpy, little windshield wipers slowly wiped it off.  I felt stupid because my heart was pounding because I thought another car was going to crash into me lol.

Anywhoo, it's been a real, great relaxing week for me!  4 days out of school (which kind of sucks because we'll just have to catch up quicker now).  But I think this week got all the laziness that could be in me, out of me! [whew!]

Well here are some pictures from this week (notice that I have two brothers at home who do not want to take pictures with me! lol... so it's just me and Koco and the snow.)

This is the fortune cookie I got before the snowstorm hit.  I asked "Will I be doing the right things for myself in the future?"  

Great.  What to do .. what to do?

Snow is here and we're prepared!!

The snow angel that I made :)

       I thought that this was pretty.  ------>  A glance at my farm with the snow.                        

Hello to a late visit from Winter!! ------> Koco doesn't really like Winter..


** Sleeping off the 4 days of snow :)  (he's wearing the V-day shirt I got for him!)