
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

another snowfall?

So they're saying it's suppose to snow another 4"-10" tomorrow and it might start tonight... I kind of doubt it'll happen since it's pretty sunny outside, but who knows?!  It might happen because it's freeeezing cold out there! 

Today my Davee got back from California and we had lunch together at Pho Quyen. I bought lunch for him since I never got to buy him a lunch since I got my refund check back.  He gave me a whole bag of freshly picked oranges (STRAIGHT out of California!)  :)  so that really made my day!  Thanks Mi!!

I went to S.I. for macroeconomics today, and I think our teacher is foreign or studying here.  He's got a Latino accent.  He seems nice and his accent is cute, lol.  I felt so bad for him because only 4 students came to class... and it seemed like he struggled to explain what he was talking about sometimes today.  But he made a lot of things clear for me, so that was good!  I asked questions and felt more involved, so YAY for me!

Well, I gotta print out some flyers for the event we're holding for General Vang Pao tonight. We're doing a vigil/candlelight service in memory of his honor.  I can't go because the dates changed and I always have to work at Hunan on Tuesdays.  So I hope it goes well. 

For General Vang Pao, I am so thankful for everything you have done for your Hmong people.  We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, so I appreciate your work and ethics very much.  It's sad that you're no longer here with us, but your honor and spirit will always remain.  May God bless you and Rest in Peace.

XOXO Love, emily

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